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Welcome to the Club Members Page

My idea with this page is to have all of our club members posted here. Prior to being added to this page, they are featured on our homepage for 30 days. After the 30 days their photo and bio go on this page. We have a large membership so I am excited to watch this page grow.

Thanks for checking out our website! Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 39

Sean McCarthy's GQ.jpg

Posted December  2024

In photo 39 is club member, Sean McCarthy. I met Sean at the Cardinal Open held in Columbus, Ohio. What a brutal game. It felt like it was over right from the start. One inaccurate move and Sean was like a cat pouncing on a mouse. I went down in flames to his aggressive attack. Sean knew the rules of chess from a young age but started playing seriously in 2019. Sean’s favorite player is Magnus Carlsen because Magnus is good at what he is bad at…um we could all say that giggle giggle. Sean learned chess by reading Jeremy silman’s books, but his local chess hero is NM Chuck Diebert. When asked what his favorite chess club is, Sean replied, “Saint Louis Chess Club”. Um, pretend he said Marysville Chess Club giggle giggle. Sean enjoys playing at the Marysville Chess Club. He said it is easy to play an over the board game with friendly people. I have been working to get Sean to participate in our club tournaments and our Frenemy. Sean is just a busy person. He does bring a great deal of chess talent to the club, and he is willing to share his knowledge. I look over and see him and his opponent doing a postmortem while laughing and having fun and it puts a big smile on my face.

Thank you for your membership, Sean, you are a great addition to our club!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 38

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Posted November  2024

In  photo 38 is club member, Jose Carlos Mesinas Vasquez (Carlos). Carlos has been a member for about two years. He has participated in club tournaments, simuls, and our cookouts. When you sit across the board from Carlos, you can see how much he enjoys the game. Carlos has very much improved from the first time that I played him. He is such a joy to have in club. Carlos comes in to club and personally greets everyone with a smile and a fist bump. Carlos is the nicest, kindest person you could meet. I remember one time when Carlos gave chocolates to everyone in the club. Um, yes, we all had a sugar buzz, giggle giggle.  Carlos always brings something to share with everyone at our club events. Thank you, Carlos! Until recently, Carlos would come to club every week but because he has been busy with work and he moved a bit farther away, he is unable to make it every week. We hope that things get less busy and that the drive to club does not deter him from attending!

Thank you, Carlos for everything you do for all of us and thank you for your membership, you are a pleasure to have in our chess family!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 37

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Posted October 22, 2024

In photo 37 is James (Jimmy) Peace. Jimmy has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for a couple of years. Jimmy started playing chess in hopes it would distract him from the loss of a family member. Little did we all know how good Jimmy would be at chess! His favorite all-time player is Bent Larsen. He admires how creative and unorthodox Larsen’s play was, especially highlighted in his opening choices. His local chess hero is Howard Dixon! He has greatly encouraged and pushed Jimmy to improve. Howard has spent a lot of time to help him improve and borrow books and helped guide his training. Jimmy really appreciates everything that Howard has done for him. When I asked Jimmy what he liked about the Marysville Chess Club he said “ The community, without Lance Notarmuzi reaching out at a tournament and inviting me to club, and Roy Dotson being extremely welcoming and dedicated to making the club the best it can be, I probably would not be as serious about chess or have as many friends as I do now”. Jimmy has donated his time to the club by helping me with tournaments and with helping me find resources. What a resource Jimmy is.

Thank you for your membership, Jimmy; it is a pleasure having you!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 36

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In photo 36 is Santa Clause. Ok, I know, it is really John Nelson. John has been a member of the chess club for a couple of years. He learned how to play chess when he was 16 (now 68) wow! John loves to play chess, he is very enthusiastic and plays in our club blitz tournaments, classical tournaments and attends our Tuesday’s chess class. John’s all-time favorite player is Bobby Fischer. His local chess hero is Roy Dotson – hey, that is me giggle giggle. Thanks John! When asked what he liked about the Marysville chess club, John said everything but certainly the people. One of his favorite chess memories is that he played the King’s Indian Attack the first game he ever played and played that same opening 50 years later in a tournament at Belmont, where I met John. We hit it off right away. I invited John to the chess club, and he has been coming ever since. John is such a nice guy; he is very generous and caring. John is always giving something to someone and will help you in a moment’s notice with a personal matter or if you just need help gardening. What a fantastic addition to our club!

Thank you for your membership, John, it is a pleasure having you!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Posted September 22, 2024

Photo 35


In photo 35 is Jose Abutal. Jose has been a member of the chess club for a couple of years. He learned how to play chess 25 years ago from his father and uncles. They must have been good teachers because Jose is a great chess player! Jose’s favorite chess player is Hikaru Nakamura. His local chess heroes are Anatoly Lein and Calvin Blocker. Jose has played in several of the Marysville Chess Club tournaments, and he came in second place in our last blitz tournament. Jose attends our annual chess cookout, and our Thursday night club meets. When asked what he liked about the Marysville Chess Club, Jose replied “the free swag”. That’s great Jose!

Thank you for your membership, Jose, it is a pleasure having you!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Posted August 22, 2024

Photo 34

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Posted July 22, 2024

In photo 34 is excited club member, Andrew Pasternak. Andrew has been a Marysville Chess Club member since 2023. He got interested in chess after watching Queen’s Gambit and YouTube videos. Andrew has been playing online since 2020 but didn’t start playing over the board until 2023 when he found Joe Swindler and Athena Ferkins chess club called the Mulligans. Andrew’s favorite grandmaster is Daniel Naroditski. When asked who is his local hero, Andrew said that Athena Ferkins because of all of the chess knowledge that she has shared with him. Andrew said he really admired Joe Swindler and Roy Dotson’s chess clubs. Andrew also said that everyone at the Marysville Chess Club is welcoming and encouraging as well as knowledgeable and inspires him to teach what little he knows to beginners. Andrew has played in many of our tournaments including our blitz tournament. Andrew certainly has a passion for chess that can be seen when you play against him and when you look at his photo giggle giggle.


Thank you for your membership, Andrew, it is a pleasure to have you!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 33

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Posted June 22, 2024

In photo 33 is club member, Trevor Von Fossin. Trevor has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for a couple of years. He frequently attends the Delaware Chess Club and is an active tournament player. Trevor was one point away from winning our last blitz tournament held in March 2024. Trevor learned how the pieces moved and did not think much of it until he played and lost to a friend of his named Gabe. This helped Trevor to realize that there is a great depth to the game. It was not until much later (when he found chess puzzles) that Trevor’s love of the game ignited. Lasker is Trevor’s favorite player, but his local hero is Howard Dixon. Trevor said that if he got the story straight, Howard got good from puzzles on his trucking adventures and puzzles are a part of what got him into chess! Trevor keeps getting better and better at chess. His tactical vision is amazing. Be careful when you play Trevor, always look out for a great move from Trevor to ruin your attack. When asked what he liked about the Marysville Chess Club, Trevor said, the people, of course the people and added that he could not see the light draining out of Bruce or Roy’s eyes while playing online!

Funny Trevor, very funny! ​Thank you for your membership, Trevor, it is a pleasure having you!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 32

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Posted May 22, 2024

In  photo 32 is club member, Alan Rose. Alan joined the Marysville Chess Club when he was 13 (now 15). Alan learned chess from his grandfather Loren at the age of four. Alan plays with the club members, in tournaments and with his grandmother Vicki. Inspired by his grandfather, Alan started taking lessons with Chess.Com Certified Coach David Antonucci. In an interview, Mr Antonucci said that Alan has a great deal of chess potential. Alan is a pleasure to have in club, as he is always very polite, considerate and ready to play a game. Alan plays a good game so make sure that if you play him; bring your A-game! Alan is a Michigan fan, so we are scared to invite him to our annual Ohio vs Michigan tournament – Alan might deliberately lose some games. Ok ok just kidding. Alan would certainly try his best to help the Marysville Chess Club win the tournament.

Thank you for your membership Alan!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 31

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Posted April 22, 2024

In photo 31 is club member, Mike Crider. Mike has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for a couple of years now. Mike has participated in many club events including our Memorial chess cookout. Mike is passionate about chess, he has had to work jobs with different shifts, but he is now working for Honda and loves to stop by on his way home. Mike loves to play with other members of the club. He enjoys learning the game and it is obvious that he is improving. Mike is able to play a game and discuss it with his opponents as a way to learn from the experience. Mike always brings his favorite chess set (see photo) to play on during club visits. I can’t help but notice that when you play against Mike, it feels like you are with family! Be sure to play Mike a game when you see him.

Thank you for your membership, Mike, and thank you for making the club feel like family!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club.

Photo 30

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Posted March 22, 2024

In photo 30 is club member, Matt Byerly.  Matt has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for over a year. Matt learned how to play chess from a friend back when he was in elementary school. Like so many people, Matt got away from chess for a while. Matt thought it would be a good idea to play some of his students “seventh and eighth graders” chess and teach those who were unfamiliar. To his surprise, his students destroyed him. Matt knew he had to improve fast if he wanted to have chess in his classroom. Matt started attending the Marysville Chess Club and has been actively playing and learning for over a year. He has participated in our Fall Classic tournament and our annual Frenemy tournament. Matt said that attending the Marysville Chess Club is a great way to relieve stress. Matt has such a positive attitude toward chess and all of the members of the chess club; he especially enjoys playing against Frank Phillips. Matt played against Frank in our last Frenemy tournament. Be sure to ask Matt for a game if you see him at club.

Thank you for your membership, Matt and for all you do to spread chess to your students

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 29

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Posted February, 22 2024

In photo 28 is club member, Kyle Flyn. Kyle has been part of the chess club for about two years. Kyle learned how to play chess from his brother but learned much more from his 11th grade chess coach. Some of his fondest chess memories were games he played against his father. Kyle loves to play chess and compete in tournaments. Kyle has participated in our annual Memorial chess cookout, our Christmas simul and our first annual Frenemy tournament. Kyle said that he really enjoys coming to the Marysville Chess Club because it is so welcoming and everyone is so friendly. Kyle contributes back to the club by helping lower rated players with their game. Kyle is willing to help someone or give them a move back and explain some ins and outs of the game.

Thank you for your membership, Kyle and thank you for what you bring to the club!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 28

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Posted January, 22 2024

In photo 28 is club member, Ginny Sterling. Ginny started attending the Marysville Chess Club in June of 2022. Ginny also frequents the Worthington and Columbus chess clubs. Ginny has participated in the Marysville Chess Clubs cookouts, spring and fall tournaments, annual Frenemy tournaments, and has participated in our Christmas simuls. Ginny learned the basics from her father when she was a kid and learned about strategy and tactics from a club she frequented when in Korea. Ginny is one of the most competitive players that I have met. In the last tournament that I sponsored, I witnessed a game between her and Tom Wolber. Tom won the game, Ginny shook his hand and immediately left the playing room and went outside to walk it off. I could see that it really bothered her. She gained her composure and went on to win her next game. I invited Ginny to this year’s annual Frenemy tournament where the invitees get to pick who they play against – can you guess who Ginny picked? Yep, she picked Tom. All I can say is, “look out Tom”. Ginny’s goal is to reach a 1700 rating, but she said she haves to get over the 1300 barrier first. With a competitive spirit and will to win, she should be able to reach her goals.

Good luck becoming a 1700, Ginny, thank you for your membership!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 27

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Posted December, 22 2023

In photo 27 is club member, Johnny Zhang, Johnny has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for a little while now. Johnny is very passionate about chess. He loves the chess club and all our activities. Johnny participated in our Tuesday chess class, Thursday night chess club meets and participated in our annual Memorial Chess Cookout.

Johnny graduated from college and took a job in Chicago. We are going to miss Johnny but he has promised to stop in and say hi when he returns to visit family. We will always consider Johnny a member of the Marysville Chess Club. We wish him well on his endeavors and hope that he is able to find a local chess club in Chicago.

Thank you, Johnny, for blessing us with your membership, you will be missed!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 26

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Posted November, 22 2023

Photo 26 is club member, Athena Farrah Kaughszleigh. Athena has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for two years.  Athena has been very active during her two years, she has attended our Memorial Chess Cookouts in the spring, she has attended our spring and fall tournaments, she has participated in our Christmas Simul, she played in our very first Frenemy tournament and she has been on our club team that travels to Michigan for a club rivalry against the Muskegon, MI Chess Club. Athena is also the Vice President of the Mulligan Chess Club held at Tuttle Mall. Athena supports Joe Swindler (President) in the operations of the Mulligan Chess Club. Athena is a class B player and a great coach. I have seen her on many occasions teaching members of the Marysville Chess Club. She certainly knows chess and openings. Athena likes to bring in news puzzles for us to solve and instruct us in opening theory. It is a great pleasure to have Athena in the club.

Thank you, Athena for all that you do to support the Marysville Chess Club and for sharing your knowledge with anyone willing to learn!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 25

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Posted October, 22 2023

Photo 25 is club member, Dave Antonucci. Dave has been a member of our club for five years. He co-founded the Columbus Chess Club and coaches just under 20 students, some of them are Marysville Chess Club members. Dave has helped to support Marysville Chess Club events and tournaments. Dave loves everything about chess. He is a very strong player with a rating close to 2000 and a blitz rating to match. I have watched Dave play newcomers at the club as he shares his knowledge and patiently shows them the beauty of the game. Dave recently played in our Fall Blitz tournament where he won all six games and the prize fund for first place. Congratulations, Dave!


Thanks for all you do to promote chess and for your support to the Marysville Chess Club!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 24


Posted September, 22 2023

Photo 24 is club member, Lance Notarmuzi. Lance has been a member for three years. Yes, that means that Lance joined us during COVID. Following COVID protocol, with mask, temperature readings, etc…the club would meet at my house due to the restaurant closures. Lance heard about our club from a friend and ventured to Marysville from Bellefontaine. We have a large number of members so when Lance arrived he was shocked to see how many of us there were. After the COVID lockdown and things started to re-open, the club started meeting at Wendy’s. Lance started to play in tournaments and promoting the Marysville Chess Club. Our membership grew thanks to Lance spreading the word about our club! Lance owns and operates his own company, plays in a rock band, races cars, goes to rock concerts and plays tournament chess. I don’t know how he has time, but he comes to club on Thursday’s, participates in our Tuesday chess class, attends our cookout, plays in our club sponsored tournaments, plays on our annual Ohio vs Michigan team and takes chess lessons. Now that should tell you how much he loves the game of chess!

Thank you for your membership, Lance, I appreciate what you do for the club!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 23

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Posted August, 22 2023

Photo 23 is club member, Angela Meercedes Lizano Rincon.  Angela has been a dedicated member for close to two years. Angela has participated in our April and October tournaments. She also participated in our new Summer Breeze tournament held in July. Angela also plays at the Delaware Chess Club on Saturday mornings. I remember when Angela was still figuring out strategy and piece play. Now, Angela is a supper aggressive, attacking chess machine. Just ask her opponents. The Marysville Chess Club started an annual Frenemy Tournament. Six players get to choose their opponent. Once everyone chooses and accepts the challenge, we play one USCF rated game a month for three months. The first Frenemy tournament was four games. Angela destroyed her opponent. She won the fastest game and the most decisive games of all players. She has won her section in our classic tournaments and tied for first and second place. Angela is such an exciting player to watch – as long as you are a spectator and not her opponent! Special thanks to Angela’s parents, Robinson and Ivonne for allowing Angela to participate and for the transportation to all these events.

Thank you for your membership, Angela, we are scared to have you - giggle giggle.


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 22


Posted July, 22 2023

Photo 22 is club member, Mark Conley.  Mark has been a member for just about ten years. I remember when we first met. Mark was so excited to play chess. It was easy to like Mark. We hit it off right away. Mark was one of the first couple of members to attend our chess class. It was nice having Mark in the class because he would put the class lesson on the computer and even illustrate positions on a printable version chessboard for everyone to have. I started a chess cookout the year after starting the club. When mark showed up for his first one, he catered in Benny’s Pizza. He brought pulled pork, coleslaw and all the trimmings. We all ate well that year giggle giggle. Mark had to take a job out of town – the state of Delaware, but every time he would come back to Ohio, he would attend the Marysville or Delaware Chess Club. Mark is working back in Ohio now and has been able to make it to club more frequent. I am glad to have my friend back. He is busy enjoying time with his family but he does squeeze in a little time for chess.

It is good to have you back, Mark, even if it is on a limited basis. Thank you for your membership, Mark!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 21

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Posted June, 22 2023

Photo 21 is club member, National Life Master Steve Wygle. Steve has been a member for over 10 years. Steve played his first tournament game in 1970. Steve used to be a chess coach, and a good one, I should know because I took lessons from him.  He helped me understand the middle game and he loved to share the game’s history with me. Some great stories for sure. Steve gave lessons to some other members of the Marysville Chess Club and would give simultaneous exhibitions in his hometown’s chess club located in Marion. Steve retired from tournament playing for a while but recently started playing tournaments again after retiring  from work. Steve has participated in our Spring and Fall Invitational tournaments and when I sent information out about our new Summer Breeze tournament in July, Steve sent me a funny email saying something about feeding a stray cat and how it will keep coming back for more and how if I keep hosting tournaments…. ok you get the picture giggle giggle.

Thank you for your membership, Steve! And thank you for all you have done for chess!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 20

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Posted May 22 2023

Photo 20 is club member, Kevin Wade. Kevin has been a member for just over three years.  Kevin is certainly an active member, he participates in our spring and fall tournaments, (where he has won first place in his section), he participates in our Tuesday chess class, our annual chess cookouts and recently completed our first Frenemy tournament. In the Frenemy tournament, a chosen six players were asked who they would like to have as an opponent and then we arranged for them to play four G/90 rounds, one game a month for four months. You will have to ask Kevin how he did and who he was matched with. Kevin is very kind on and off the board, on the board he lets his opponents take back moves off the board he donates to the club and his church.

Thank you for your membership, Kevin.

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 19

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Posted April, 22 2023

Photo 19 is National Life Master Chuck Diebert. I met Chuck in my search for a chess coach soon after starting the Marysville Chess Club. Chuck was able to help me go from an 1100/1200 rated player to over 1700 in just a few years.  Yes, I put in work too, but Chuck kept me inspired. He had a way of making me laugh and really enjoy chess. Chuck became my friend and mentor! Not only did Chuck coach me in chess but he also would attend the Marysville Memorial Chess Cookouts and offered to play speed games with everyone and do analysis of a game using my demo board. What a treat that was. We were all amazed and captivated by how well Chuck could analyze a game on a demo board with such energy and enthusiasm, he would certainly keep you laughing and on your toes. Chuck is still an active tournament player; he recently played in one of our Invitational tournaments and joined us at the chess club for some casual games.  Having a peak rating of 2396, Chuck could certainly play some chess. His favorite opening at the time was the Blackmar – Deimer Gambit or BDG for short. Chuck does have a book of his games and still coaches a few students. Chuck has won eight Columbus championships and played against many IMs and GMs including IM Jeremy Silman. I remember when Chuck beat GM Anatoly Lein - that was a heck of a game. Recently, Howard Dixon and I were discussing taking some lessons, of course, Chuck happily agreed. We drove over to Chuck’s place and for the next few hours, we had lessons, laughs and remembered some wonderful memories of past events. For example, we were all at the King’s Island Open and went back to our room for analysis. Chuck was showing me a way that I may have been able to proceed without losing. Howard said, “No, Chuck, that loses too” Chuck then had Howard play it out on the board so that Chuck could show Howard how wrong he was. Next thing I hear is Chuck saying in his deep raspy voice - “you don’t have to be a smartass Howard” and we laughed so hard that I fell out of my chair…guess Howard was right, giggle giggle. That really is a testament to Chuck’s character, he would always give you credit and build you up.

Thank you, Chuck, for helping me realize my chess potential, for inspiring me, and for helping me enjoy my chess journey.  Thank you for your membership!  You are the best chess coach anyone could ask for!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

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Photo 18

Photo 18 is Professor Franz Gruber (ret).  Franz has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club since around 2017.  Franz is retired which gives him more time to study chess (makes me jealous) and participate in more club activities.  Franz plays in our spring and fall Invitational tournaments and participates in the Tuesday chess class.  Franz enjoys our annual Memorial chess cookout and he is an active club member in the Delaware Chess Club.  Busy man right? Franz loves to help the novice players by teaching them what he has learned and encouraging them after a loss.  Franz does all this with a smile on his face, very impressive considering that Franz struggles with MS.  Franz is currently participating in our first Frenemy’s tournament.  This is a USCF tournament where six players get to choose who they want for an opponent (Frenemy) emphasis on higher rated, and then they play one G/90 a month for four months.  Franz lost his first game but won round two.  We have two more rounds left so wish Franz luck!


Thank you for your inspiration to others, Franz, and thank you for your membership!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted March, 22 2023

Photo 17

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Posted February, 22 2023

Photo 17 is club member Dr Anton Freihofner (ret).  I met Anton at the Delaware Chess Club back when they were meeting at the Mean Bean Café.  Yes, I know, that was a long time ago.  Anton loved to play chess and compete in tournaments.  I remember when the Marysville Chess Club was meeting at Starbucks.  By the time I got off work and made my way to the club, Anton and several members would already be engaged in a game of chess.  One time when I arrived at club, I noticed that everyone was notating their games.  What is going on? They never write down their games.  I went to the counter for a tea and made my way back to the tables.  Still confused about all the notating of games, I started looking and noticed that everyone had the same pen.  Upon a closer look, I noticed that the pens had ‘Viagra’ written on them in big bold letters. I knew right away, then I yelled, !!ANTON!! Everyone just laughed and laughed.  It is not easy having a doctor in your chess club.  Club member Frank Hamilton had missed the previous week, jokingly I said, “you need a doctor’s excuse if you miss again” Frank looked over at Anton and said “hey Anton, can you give me an excuse?”.  Ugh, I say. 


Thank you, Anton, for spicing things up on and off the board, and thank you for your membership!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 16


Posted January, 22 2023

Photo 16 is club member Rhonda Hissong.  Rhonda’s membership is six years strong.  She joined the Marysville Chess Club back when we were meeting at Starbucks.  Rhonda is an active member and has participated in most of our events.  She has participated in our Tuesday chess class and has played in our Invitational tournaments.  Rhonda loves to volunteer her time to help with club activities.  She helped set up several chess cookouts and helped with setting up at our tournaments.  Rhonda really enjoys playing chess and has beat some of our stronger players.  Do not worry Frank; I will not mention any names.  Rhonda truly loves to play chess and the fact that she rarely misses coming to the chess club speaks for itself.

Thank you for your membership, Rhonda, and thank you for all you do to support the club!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 15


Posted December, 22 2022

Photo 15 is club member Scott Swisher.  Scott has been a member of the Marysville Chess Club for six or seven years now.  We were meeting at Starbucks when I first met Scott.  It was obvious right away, that Scott was passionate about chess.  Scott has participated in almost every event that the Marysville Chess Club sponsors.  Scott is part of our team that travels to Michigan to play in the Muskegon Chess Club VS Marysville Chess Club event.  Scott plays in our USCF hosted tournaments twice a year.  What’s more, I have hosted a chess class on Tuesdays from March to October for the last five years and Scott has only missed one day.  Now that is dedication and passion.  Scott attends our Memorial Chess Cookout and has participated in our Christmas simul against Master Tom Britt.  Not much Scott does not participate in right. 

Thank you for your membership and dedication Scott!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 14

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Posted November 22, 2022

Photo 14 is long-term member Jim Dohnal.  Jim started attending soon after we started the club.  A much better chess player than me, Jim would leave his pawns hanging and watch me gobble them up like a Thanksgiving dinner.  Jim would just chuckle in amusement as I munched on pawns with my only developed piece.  Jim knew that developing his pieces was far more important than hanging onto a pawn.  Jim finally shared his strategy and opening ideas with me.  It makes me think back to how much of a novice player I was.  Jim would teach me and let me borrow books to help me.  I was so excited to learn and thankful for Jim taking me under his wing.  Jim still comes to the chess club from time to time and at his age that is impressive.  I think he is 200 years old – shhhh, do not tell him I said that.

Thank you for you friendship, guidance and your membership Jim!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 13

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Photo 13 is Professor Tom Wolber (ret). I met Tom my first time attending the Delaware Chess Club. Wow, that was 17 maybe 18 years ago. Tom and I hit it off. It could be because he beat me just as everyone else did at the Delaware Chess Club. Tom and other Delaware members started attending the Marysville Chess Club on Thursdays and the Marysville members would attend the Delaware club every Saturday. Tom plays in our Invitational events and enjoys our annual cookout. I have watched Tom let his opponent take back their move to help them learn and to continue the fun of the game. He is willing to share his chess knowledge and even tell you what his plan is in the middle game to help you come up with a plan. Tom goes out of his way to help make new members feel welcome to the club. If you play Tom, you best buckle in, because he will fight to the very end.  If you don't believe me just look at the photo,  Tom is very focused and is looking for - Moves That Make Sense!

Thank you, Tom, for caring about others and thank you for your membership in the Marysville Chess Club!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted October 22, 2022

Photo 12


Posted September 22, 2022

Photo 12, is Howard Dixon.  I met Howard back when the Marysville Chess Club was meeting at Starbucks.  Little did I know, Howard would play at the Mean Bean with the Delaware Chess Club.  Howard would stop in on a Saturday, beat everyone and leave.  It was no different when he came to the Marysville Chess Club at Starbucks for the first time.  I could not help but like Howard.  He was nice, fun, and had such a wonderful attitude.  Maybe it was because he just beat everyone including me several times.  I stopped Howard before he got out the door (what was I thinking). I let him know that he was welcome to our club anytime and that I hoped to see him again soon.  Howard was very tactical, more so than all of us.  That motivated me to be a better tactical player.  Howard did come back to Starbucks…and we suffered more losses, but I gained a friend.  Howard is the most fun, loving and caring person I know.  Through the years, I have watched Howard coach novice players with gentle explanations and reason for their moves.  Howard moved away to Florida for a little while but would come back to play in our Invitational tournaments.  Howard missed us so much and we missed him enough that he moved back to Ohio.  Welcome back Howard!


Thank you for your membership, and for being my friend Howard!


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 11

Mike Thomas.jpg

Posted August 22, 2022

Photo 11 is one of the original club members Mike Thomas.  I met Mike at the Delaware Chess Club back in the day when they were meeting at the Mean Bean.  We quickly hit it off and became friends.  Mike somehow improves his game without the study of openings, tactics or reading Silman books like so many of us do.  It is hard to understand how he does it.  I have read books, studied master games, took lessons from masters and worked with other strong chess players and yet somehow Mike comes along and beats me!  I would beat him up, but he knows Tai Chi and has taught this art to so many before retiring from that and gymnastics.  Mike plays with heart and creativity and that makes him one tough opponent.  I really enjoy having Mike in our club and as my friend.


Thank you for your membership, Mike!


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 10

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Photo 10 is club member Rob Lapat. Rob is a long-time member who is always improving his chess game.  I remember being able to win most all the games I would play against Rob.  Now it is no easy task to win a game against Rob, he is our most improved player and can play competitively against anyone.  Rob has been part of the Ohio team to play against Michigan when we travel to Adrian in March.  Hopefully Rob can make the team for our trip in 2023?  Rob is in the process of hand – making a chess set.  I have seen some pictures of the board and I must say that I can’t wait to see the finished product. 


Thank you for your membership, Rob!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted July22, 2022

Photo 9

Peter .jpg

Posted June 22, 2022

Photo 9 is club member Peter Galupo.  Peter was attracted to chess as a youth but was too busy practicing and teaching martial arts to learn chess.  Peter became a master black belt and made a career of teaching martial arts.  After a lifetime of physically conditioning and training for hours on end every day, Peter thought it would be a good idea to give his body a break (no pun intended) and play chess.  By playing chess Peter would say “chess can be frighteningly similar to hand -to-hand combat; what better way to temper your inner disposition than heated battles over the chess board” and not have to endure the physical pains of the battle.  It is a good thing that Peter chose chess.  I say that because he became a student of National Master Chuck Diebert and was with Chuck when Chuck experienced a heart attack.  Thanks to Peter being able to recognize the signs of a heart attack, Peter rushed Chuck to the hospital where they admitted him right away. Chuck Diebert is an inspiration and mentor to many chess players in central Ohio and I believe that Chuck Diebert, my mentor and chess coach is alive today all in thanks to Peter. 


Thank you for everything you do for Chuck and chess, Peter and thank you for your membership.


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 8


Photo 8 is long-term member Frank Hamilton.  Frank is one of our very first members going way back, and I say that with a long laugh.  Frank is still an active member and has participated in every one of our club-hosted tournaments. What’s more Frank played in our annual Ohio vs. Michigan match.  


Thanks for your membership, Frank!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted May 22, 2022

Photo 7


Photo 7 is long term member Garrett Bell. I met Garrett when attending the youth chess club that Bruce Lindman ran and coached some 15 or 16 years ago. Garrett learned how to play chess from Cheryl Stagg a friend of the Bell family. It brought a smile to Cheryl's face when she told me the story of when Garrett beat her for the first time. Cheryl said that Garrett went running through the house whooping and hollering in celebration. Trying to beat Garrett now a days is no easy task. I really enjoy having Garrett as a member in our club! Thank you for your membership Garrett.


P.S. Now that I put you on our website-will you let me win a game?


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted April 22, 2022

Photo 6


Bruce Lindman's bio deliberately removed, his cheese done slid off his cracker!

Posted March 22, 2022

Photo 5

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Posted February 22, 2022

Photo 5 is guest member Kathy Lin. When I think about the expression “a person who wears many hats” I think of Kathy. I met Kathy over a decade ago at a chess event that she was hosting. Turns out no matter what chess event or tournament I went to I would see Kathy.

Kathy learned to play chess from her father at the age of five and played in tournaments from fifth grade to ninth grade. It wasn't until her first year of teaching in San Antonio that she begin to pick chess back up. The principle there encouraged her to start an after school club. For the next couple years she was the chess coach and advisor. One of her proudest moments was during her last year there, she took about 20 kids to the Texas Scholastic State Championships where they came in second place!

Kathy moved back to Columbus in 2013 and co-founded the Columbus Chess Academy with the goal of promoting chess throughout central Ohio, especially in under served communities. They host summer chess camps, run tournaments, hosted coaches workshops, donated chess sets, clocks, books, and online memberships.

Whats more? Kathy is currently the Vice President and Treasurer of the Ohio Chess Association. She is a Senior Tournament Director and a FIDE National Arbiter. Kathy also assisted the Marysville Chess Club with our first rated tournament.

Wow right…Thank you, Kathy, for everything you do to promote chess!!

You can catch Kathy on Twitch where she does live chess streaming (

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 4


Posted January 22, 2022

Photo 4 is long time member Richard Vail. Soon after we listed the Marysville Chess Club on the Ohio Chess Association’s website, we received an email from Richard. In this email Richard suggested that we come and play at the Delaware Chess Club founded by Bruce Lindman. So we joined them on Saturday mornings and they joined us on Thursday evenings. That was 17 years ago and can you believe we are still meeting.

About a year after starting the Marysville Chess Club I decided to host a chess cookout. Being very excited that we were going to play chess and have free food, Richard decided to lend support to my event. Ok ok it had nothing to do with the free food???? He loaned me tables, chairs, donated chess sets and clocks. I still host these chess cookouts for our members and Richard is still supporting the club but in different ways: Richard has managed to organize and run several United States Chess Federated tournaments hosted by the Marysville Chess Club. He even organized a non USCF tournament between the Marysville Chess Club and the Muskegon Chess Club, basically another Ohio vs Michigan rival. Richard worked with founder, Steve Dumas, of the Muskegon Chess Club to set it all up.  Next time you see Richard shake his hand um - errr ok just buy him a frosty.

Thank you, Richard Vail, for all your years of dedication and support to the Marysville Chess Club.


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Photo 3


Photo 3 is Frank Phillips, Co-Founder of the Marysville Chess Club. We started this club so long ago but I remember like it was yesterday. After the fourth week of no one showing up I was ready to throw in the towel. Frank said “No, Roy, let’s give it another week and see what happens”. Well, I did sucker Frank into starting this club with me so I guess it would be wise to comply with his request (plus I didn’t want to get beat up). It is a good thing that I listened to Frank, here we are 17 years later with such a wonderful club.


Thank you Frank for making me stick with it! And thank you for your friendship and support all these years!!


Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted December 22, 2021

Photo 2


Photo 2 is Mark Borders.  Mark loves to play chess and compete in tournaments.  As a matter of fact that is how I ( Roy Dotson) met Mark.  We can thank Mark for the designs on our club bling.  Mark designed our challenge coins, hats, and logos on each of them. 


Thank you, Mark!!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted November 22, 2021

Photo 1


Photo 1 is Joe Swindler.  Joe is stealing some chickens from his opponent.  Joe calls pawns chickens.  I think it's because Joe believes that pawns are food and that he is a hungry fox!  Be careful if you play Joe watch out for your chickens!!!

Thank you, Joe!

Roy Dotson, Founder Marysville Chess Club

Posted October 22, 2021

© 2021 by The Marysville Chess Club. Proudly created with

Founded by Roy Dotson and Frank Phillips
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